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Del Mar Horsepark Hunter Jumper Series

This was a big weekend for Team Bravado!

Congratulations to Claire English and Colandra on their Reserve Championship in the Long Stirrup Hunters this weekend. Claire has worked so hard the past few years to be able to get the opportunity to show. She saved all year so she could be able to go to her first horse show before leaving for college - a goal she has had for a very long time. I am so proud of the determination and dedication she showed. She is the first one to offer to help when something needs to get done around the barn, built our website and is the official barn photographer. She is always at the barn and shows supporting her barn mates and is the first one to offer words of encouragement or congratulate them on their victories. We were so happy to be able to support her this weekend and congratulate her on this big accomplishment! Thank you for showing everyone what it means to be a team player and always demonstrating good sportsmanship! We are so proud of you!!

At their first show together Tahlia and Jump the Moon also clinched a Reserve Champion in the Cross rail division!

Ninel and Union Jack had their Jumper ring debut riding to good ribbons in the 2'3" Jumpers. Sheridan and Willing continued their consistent rides in the Green Rider and qualifying for the GSDHJA Mini Medal! Great job girls!

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